Consistency vs Availability in the Cloud: Large-Scale Distributed Data Trade-Offs and Design Implications

Consistency vs Availability in the Cloud: Large-Scale Distributed Data Trade-Offs and Design Implications


Mission-critical software must be built for failure. However, managing large-scale distributed stateful systems imposes important trade-offs for being highly available.

The adoption of cloud architectures automatically imposes those design implications to anyone architecting modern systems, and overlooking them will eventually lead to data loss or production outage.

This talk explores design trade-offs and design implications for cloud native systems. Design details and samples will explore how Apache Geode handles those trade-offs and what application developers must consider when building resilient systems.

Director of Technology
Fred Melo

Fred is a Technical Director at Pivotal, working on the convergence of cloud-native and distributed data systems. He's an experienced speaker of several open-source tech conferences such as ApacheCon NA, ApacheCon Europe, Oscon, QCon Rio, QCon Sao Paulo, SpringOne Platform and Red Hat Summit.