John Hugg

Founding Engineer
VoltDB Inc.
John Hugg

John Hugg has spent his entire career working with databases and information management at a number of startups including Vertica Systems and now VoltDB. As the founding engineer at VoltDB, he was involved in all of the key early design decisions and worked collaboratively with the new VoltDB team as well as academic researchers exploring similar problems. In addition to his engineering role, John has become a primary evangelist for the technology, speaking at conferences worldwide and authoring blog posts on VoltDB, as well as on the state of OLTP and stream processing broadly.


Tuesday 20th, 11:45 - Matterhorn 1
The team behind the H-Store academic database and the VoltDB commercial database have been building and refining in-memory data storage for nearly ten years now, trying many different ways to organize data in memory. We’ve had successes and failures, and also lots of fascinating experiments. While we still have unanswered questions and ongoing…