An Ignite Compute Grid in the Cloud

Salon E

As HomeAway, a leading vacation rental website, moves aggressively to the Cloud, they've had to migrate a myriad of systems. One such is the high volume, low latency, real-time system that computes pricing. Learn how and why HomeAway employed a large, in-memory compute grid when migrating this system to the Cloud, employing Apache Ignite. Learn also about the nuances of migrating this old, statically-bound, conventionally-managed system to the new, ephemeral world of Cloud services. Including, among other things; deploying Ignite into AWS using Docker and Mesos/Marathon, using Consul and Container Pilot for Ignite Node discovery, and wrapping Ignite in a standard Dropwizard application for ease-of-use. We will also present the drawbacks and trade-offs we faced while getting this large compute grid stable in the Cloud world of guaranteed Node failure. As well as, performance metrics.

Software Architect
Chris Berry has been writing code for over 40 years. He started his career writing finite-element analysis code in Fortran, and then, in C/C++. He began coding in Java back at Java 1.1. He has spoken at JavaOne and QCon. For the past 10+ years, he has been writing code for HomeAway in Austin, Texas.